Evacuated Tube Collector

Semi Automatic Batch Composter

The Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) systems have superior incidence angle modifier, so it collects solar energy more evenly throughout the day resulting in a lower buffer or thermal storage requirement. The main use of this technology is in residential, commercial and residential buildings where the demand for hot water has a large impact on energy bills. Using hot water for bathing and washing purpose is both hygienic and helps in eliminating germs and bacteria. It also helps in soothing the muscles thereby improving the blood flow.

Product Highlights :

  1. ETC systems are more eficient and therefore occupies lesser space.
  2. ETC systems are more economical in cost
  3. ETC systems are ideal for hard water applications.
  4. Easy to install and maintain
  5. Can give an expected life of 15 years provided water quality is good.
  6. Systems with assistant tanks also available which eliminates the Need for Air vent.

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