We WATER ENVIRO ENGINEERS are the most prominent name in offering of a wide range of RainWater Harvesting system in Dahisar, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, India with modern infrastructure.RainWater Harvesting is an activity of direct collection of Rain Water and Storage of Rain Water as well as other activities aimed at harvesting and conserving surface and Ground Water, prevention of loss through evaporation and seepage and other hydrological studies and engineering inventions aiming at most efficient utilization of the Rain Water towards best use for the humanity
Domestic RainWater harvesting or roof top RainWater harvesting is the technique through which RainWater is captured from roof catchments and stored in tanks/reservoirs/Ground Water acquifers. It consist of conservation of roof top RainWater in urban areas and utilizing it to augment Ground Water storage by artificial recharge. It requires connecting the outlet pipe from roof top to divert collected water to existing well/tube well/bore well or a specially designed well.
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